女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(40)


Of course her mother agreed and i spent the night at Miss Ambers feet while they read, watched tv and talked. She seemed to keep me close, as if to protect me. When her mother asked if she might get a massage, Miss Amber kept me busy with her.?

When it was time for bed, i kissed Miss Kingsley's feet and followed my Mistress. Upon entering her room i stripped and got on all fours, remembering her past whims. She was pleased i remembered! "I guess this is it little shawna" Miss Amber said as i slid my tounge between her toes and the carpet. "If you stay, you will always be busy with my demands and at times my mothers" she explained. "I want you to stay" she said as she laid back on her bed. "Yes Miss Amber, so do i" i said in between licks. "My soccer cleats are in my bag over there, get them clean for tomorrow while i take a bath" she ordered. i ran her bath then undressed her and started work on her cleats. i gulped down every clump of grass and dirt cought in them, thinking about tomorrow... nvwang.icu

Part 15

That night i finished Miss Amber's cleats and asked if i could clean her flip flops as well. When i finished both pairs i just made myself comfortable at the foot of her bed while she slept. With my mind racing thinking about Mom and what i might say tomorrow, i dont think i slept more than an hour.

i heard Miss Amber starting to move around so i crawled over to the side of her bed and waited on my knees for her to get up. "little shawna, I forgot you were here" Miss Amber said yawning and laughing at the same time. "Get dressed and make me some breakfast... enough for my mother as well" she ordered as she rolled back over. i obeyed and ran downstairs excited to carry out her orders. She had on her school uniform and her mother was in a nightgown when they entered the kitchen. "shawna you are ALWAYS welcome here" Miss Kingsley said as i crawled over to kiss their feet. After i said good morning i got their coffee and breakfast. While they ate, i did all the dishes filling their cups as needed or ordered. "shawna get my back pack and a fresh shine on my school shoes" Miss Amber ordered. i cant believe i forgot about her low cut docs she wears w/ her uniform, i feel so bad i didnt already have them clean for her. i fetched them for her and she motioned for me to kneel at her side. Of course i did and she held her hand out nodding to one of her shoes. She sat there with her legs crossed and cupped her shoe in both hands as i handed it to her. "Lick it nice and clean" she said her eyes locked on mine. nvwang.icu

While she held her shoe for me and moveed it where she wanted it cleaned, Miss Kingsley sat and watched. "Good girl" Miss Amber would praise me from time to time. "Im going to take my shower, when she is done Amb, could you have her do my heels... a nice shine because i have a meeting today" Miss Kingsley asked her daughter. "I will mom, see you later this evening" Miss Amber said as i started on her other shoe. "My good girl is gonna lick my Mothers shoes for me too... is'nt she" Miss Amber said as if she were talking to a baby. "Yes Miss Amber" was my response. "You should tell your mother to fuck off and come live with us... get that gum of my sole" she said holding my head closer into the soles of her docs. i said "yess Miss Amber" though she couldnt hear me because my tounge was so busy. i finished to her liking and slid her shoes on her black knee high socked feet and did her laces up. "Kiss my shoes little shawna and do not be late w/ my flip flops" ordered Miss Amber as she walked out the door. "Dont forget about mom's shoes" she added.?
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